The Church of God (Seventh Day) is primarily a body of believers in Jesus Christ whose mission is the same as other believers - to proclaim the good news of His Salvation and imminent return.
For more specific information about our beliefs, please select any of links below
We have a number of branches around and so to find out which one is closest to you, please go to our branches page here. The page will provide you with contact details, directions and a list of our ministers and service times.
Good question. The fact that you want to know more. is a good start. We would recommend that you find a good Bible-based Church and begin to ask God questions yourself through prayer. If you want to be inspired daily you can always read the blogs from our members or listen to our daily devotionals. Alternatively you can watch or listen to one of the many sermons posted here. Overall though, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. It's a journey you will not regret!
You are free to pop into any one of our branches or contact one of our pastors for help and advice. Simply go to the church closest to you or call. Alternatively if you need help or want to speak to someone straight away, why not call the Samaritans. The link to them and their web site can be found here.
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