What inspired me to begin to blog was a conversation with a Sister and friend, who basically told me that God is preparing another platform for me to share His Word, and do His will. She challenged me to write, and expressed how inspired she was by my use of language. It's not all about me, but to the Glory of God, I write inspired, not out of daily duty, so I trust that whoever reads, will be encouraged, and if questions are to be asked, I will endeavour to give answers. Blessings in abundance.
My Monstera Deliciosa is not doing anything. It's just sat looking at me with 3 leaves and a strong root embedded in and emerging form the soil. The newest leaf has fenestrations but is still...
My Rojo philodendron- Congo is not well. I've moved it around and watered it and fertilised it, but it's not happy. I've already cut off one leaf , and it looks like I'll have to cut off...
I fertilised all my plants today in doors except the Sscindapsus, Monstera Adansonii and the Hoya Carnosa. Their soil was quite moist and I think I fertilised them last week. I'm going to watch...
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