Inspirational Words

Daily Words Of Truth

Daily devotionals from the writers at UCB

The Word For Today is a free, daily devotional written by Bob Gass and published around the world by United Christian Broadcasters (UCB). Today, circulation has increased to one million copies which are read, not just by UCB's listeners and readers, but also by patients in hospitals, prisoners and residents of care centres throughout the UK and Ireland.

  • An attitude adjustment (2)

    By Various on May 3, 2020

    Realise that rough times won’t last forever. As surely as God created spring to follow winter, ‘He changes times and seasons…He gives wisdom.’ The season of adversity you’re in will end. And when it does, you’ll glean from it the wisdom...

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  • God and your money (4)

    By Various on May 3, 2020

    The Bible teaches that God wants you to have enough money to: 1) Provide for the needs of your family and help them to succeed. ‘If any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is...

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  • An attitude adjustment (3)

    By Various on May 2, 2020

    When it comes to having the right attitude – stay in touch with the control tower. Air traffic controllers ‘see the big picture’ when it comes to what’s going on in the sky. They have the knowledge and authority to tell pilots to slow...

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