Christianity Today is considered a leading voice of the evangelical movement with its coverage of the global church. Every monthly print issue and daily website updates include interviews, feature articles, essays, and commentary from leading Christian thinkers, and theological analysis on current issues, trends, people and news events that impact people of faith. Christianity Today delivers commentary from a biblical perspective, covering the spectrum of choices and challenges facing Christians today.
Salem Media makes cuts as more churches and ministries pull spending during the pandemic. The largest Christian radio company in the United States suffered a major financial blow as ongoing...
Or are reports of their death greatly exaggerated? Whenever anyone writes a book, as Joseph Bottum has, lamenting that things just arent what they used to be, critics predictably rise up to...
The Wesleyan Methodist scholar pushed for “opening up the ecumenical door" to all traditions. On May 2, the theological world lost one of its most unique voices, the Wesleyan Methodist Church...
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