Christianity Today is considered a leading voice of the evangelical movement with its coverage of the global church. Every monthly print issue and daily website updates include interviews, feature articles, essays, and commentary from leading Christian thinkers, and theological analysis on current issues, trends, people and news events that impact people of faith. Christianity Today delivers commentary from a biblical perspective, covering the spectrum of choices and challenges facing Christians today.
The message you prepare for your congregation is also meant for you. A man preacheth that sermon only well unto others which preacheth itself in his own soul. And he that doth not feed on and...
For international students, COVID-19 has created an educated, isolated, displaced community. While Liberty University came under criticism for allowing students the option to stay on campus...
Loving the Lord depends less on personal feelings and more on practice, says the former editor in chief of Christianity Today. Mark Galli, former editor in chief of Christianity Today, spent...
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