Christianity Today is considered a leading voice of the evangelical movement with its coverage of the global church. Every monthly print issue and daily website updates include interviews, feature articles, essays, and commentary from leading Christian thinkers, and theological analysis on current issues, trends, people and news events that impact people of faith. Christianity Today delivers commentary from a biblical perspective, covering the spectrum of choices and challenges facing Christians today.
The one thing we can’t shirk these days is time with God. It’s our lifeline to health and happiness and hope. Ive been thinking about the Confessions lately. Augustines Confessions in...
In some communities, empty buildings and eager youth ministers offer safe places and supervision for families facing school closures. Remote learning will be the rule for schoolchildren in...
In a fragmented world, our faithfulness to the Gospel and to each other may be louder than our words. Ed: What do you mean by Uncommon Ground? John: Christians can and should be able to find...
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