Christopher Dryden is a trainer and observer. The blog is an outlet for his passion for words both read and written to open conversation and build others in their awareness of themselves and their world. The blog explores his thoughts on various issues of life personal and spiritual. Some of the thoughts may be flippant, others maybe complex. Some are injected with humour and others are explore the more sombre aspects of life.In all his writing there is the realisation that life is dependent on God as revealed through Jesus Christ.
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. (Matthew 6:21) Jesus presents us with options. We can store up treasures on earth or in heaven. What does that look like?...
There are significant stories that cover different media—television, cinema, comics, etc. These stories establish lore, and those who interact with them are applauded or derided depending on their...
Give us this day, our daily bread. I am the Bread of Life. Jesus attends to the basic reality every human faces. We have got to eat. Some of us live in an age where we take that too far. We don’t...
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